Thursday, March 15, 2012


Today year 1 female junior was deleted by another year 1 male junior in facebook. Actually when I saw her post, I already can guess who is he. This is because I was removed by the same person last year. It's funny that there are some Year 1 students like to do such thing. Last week I was just blocked by 2 persons. I feel ok now since I'm not familiar with them. The only thing that was disappointed me is, I told what was happening to my best friend but he gave no comment and seemed not so supporting me. The incident somehow was related to him and I feel so wasted to protect him and being blocked. At the end of the day, still standing at the girl's side. Luckily I'm too buy for these few days, and I almost forget every unhappy things. I've not enough sleep everyday. How nice if a friend da bao and eat with me at home. I can save my time at the same thing not feeling alone. Haha, tahan for 2 months ba, fake smile for 2 months ba. I don't like to let people see my sad face. I want to leave a nice impression to them that I always smile. any complaint just vomit out in this blog. At ;east the blog will accept it and support me silently. =)

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